09 June 2015 In news 0 comment

The S.J.S. Engineering attends the Forum, organized by Farnesina in collaboration with Confindustria, on commercial and investment opportunities in the Omani market with high growth potential for Italian companies. The focus will be on the following sectors: infrastructure and logistics, machinery, tourism and hospitality, energy, water and waste treatment, green economy, agri-food and fishing.

20 May 2015 In news 0 comment

The S.J.S. Engineering attends the FutureMed Conference Perspectives and recommendations for the competitiveness of the Mediterranean port systems, organized within the framework of the European project.

20 May 2015 In news 0 comment

The S.J.S. Engineering attends the Technical Seminar Environmental Policies for the management of infrastructure - Obligation and opportunities organized by the  Environmental Assessments Commission at the Order of Engineers of the Province of Rome.